Gazette Van Moline
Two longtime supporters of the Center for Belgian Culture and the Rock Island County Historical Society have made an additional investment to enable research via the Gazette van Moline.
Dates digitized are 1915 to 1940, with over 10,000 pages on-line for free by clicking HERE.
"Readers … will step back in time and discover life as it was for the Flemish-Americans during the early decades of the twentieth century. Perhaps they may even find a tidbit of information on one of their own ancestors." The impact of Belgian immigrants to the greater Quad Cities area is well documented in this unique publication that reached up to 5,000 subscriptions in 1918.
The Center for Belgian Culture and the Rock Island County Historical Society rely on your support to maintain their sites and provide ongoing access to resources.
Translation Services
Volunteers can assist with translations from/to Dutch, French, German. Due to time constraints, we are not able to provide written translations. However, we will be happy to schedule an appointment and visit with you at the Center.
Presentations & Archives
Our dedicated volunteers offer the following services to the area we serve:
Presentations to community organizations and schools.
Serve as a resource to individuals and businesses wishing to conduct business in Belgium.
Archives and library documents can be reviewed at the Center during regular opening hours (Wednesdays and Saturdays, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm or by appointment)